02 July 2011

Redwoods in Canberra?

I was pretty fascinated to read in a recent Tim the Yowie Man article in the Canberra Times that there was an experimental grove of redwood trees planted in Canberra, just near the airport (which is actually where I work). I have driven past these trees many times and never really noticed them, thinking they were an abandoned pine forest. Apaprently, they are the remnants of a failed attempt to create a redwood forrest that was planted on the instructions of none other than Walter Burley Griffin.

When we were in San Francisco a few years back we did a day trip to the Muir Woods and I found these trees so powerful - the way the light tentatively dappled through their high branches, and their towering, silent presence. Instinct suggests that the Canberra climate would be far too dry for these beautiful, ancient giants. Canberra may be cool in summer but it is nothing like the wet Pacific north west of the US and Canada where these trees are from.

Turns out, instinct is correct. The trees have made a valiant effort but they are slowly dying from lack of water and heat stress. Apparently much of the original forest has been destroyed for airport expansion.

Still, walking through what remains is a peaceful experience. Although they are adjacent to the airport and a busy road, something about these trees wraps you up in a cocoon of quiet reflection. The light does dabble through the branches. It is such a shame they could not be saved, but one does get the feeling their days are probably numbered.

This picture comes from the Redwood Grove Park. I highly recommend a visit if you're driving past some time - it is a very peaceful place.