27 August 2009

Melbourne Writers Festival

I have not posted in a while, mostly because I have been super busy with my studies of late, but tonight I went to a really fabuloous event and had a great time so thought I'd do a quick post about it.

There seems to always be a festival on in Melbourne, and currently it is the Melbourne Writers' Festival. Tonight I went to an event called Babble's Liner Notes, where a group of artistic and comedic types are each given a song from an iconic album and then they do some sort of spoken work response to it. This year they did Michael Jackson's Thriller. In between the performances there was a great band playing some of songs from the album. It was all quite fun but a particular standour for me was the hilarious Yana Alana and her response to Billie Jean.

I'm not sure how often these Liner Notes events are on but based on tonight's show I'd say they are well worth going to!